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Meet The Team at Structure Integrative Healthcare

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Meet Kimberly (Kim) Alvarado
Chiropractic Assistant/Office Manager

For Kim, working at Structure Integrative Healthcare has been a wonderful experience. “I enjoy a job where I’m continuously learning, growing and active around the office, not only behind the desk. This position offers that.”

Kim also likes the code of our practice. “Dr. Cortney works to help patients for the long-term. She gets to the root of each patient’s primary concern. It makes me proud to work for someone who truly cares about her patients.”

The Value of Chiropractic Care

“I believe everyone can benefit from chiropractic care. You shouldn’t be limited by your aches and pain. Receiving chiropractic care helps diminish that pain and get you functioning better without drugs or surgery.”

Before Kim started her young son on a care plan with Dr. Cortney, he was getting sick frequently. “No one likes to see their child sick and uncomfortable.” Kim’s son suffers from minor asthma triggered by allergies, both seasonal and food.

“Dr. Cortney helped me manage his diet, and after regular adjustments, he rarely gets sick, and definitely not as often as he used to. He is a whole different kid now, and there’s less worry on my part.”

Outside the Practice

When she’s not working, the Lisle, Illinois native enjoys spending time with her son, who keeps her on her toes. They like to draw together and spend time outdoors. When Kim’s home, she also loves to have cuddle time with her two cats.

Book an Appointment

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Meet The Team at Structure Integrative Healthcare | (630) 447-0123